
Real world adventures await

Onmi® - a treasure map on your phone. Collect tokens on the streets.
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Create your unique Omi™ Character

Explore cities in a new way

Find your routes that will bring stories, quests, and digital treasures to every corner.

Take a fresh look at the world

Find, interact, activate, and progress in the game.

Play in the open world

Pick a character and start exploring.
omi body male
omi body female
Craft look
Gather resources, craft unique items, customize your character. Use the best, sell the rest.
craft look example
craft look example
Socialize at Spots
Visit meeting spots in every major city — swap, fight, unite, and keep in touch with others.
Travel by Routes
Explore authentic hidden places or reliving the moments from the stars’ memories through their own eyes.
Explore the world
Find tokens, resources, secrets and messages from other players.
Heed the Spotters
Meet the characters, complete tasks and earn rewards.
Compete in battles
Find a worthy opponent or challenge your friends. Compete in battles and earn lucrative rewards.
Grab lands
Team up with others and grab territory to multiply your reward and loot from it.

Hit the jackpot in the Grand Final

run peoples

The Grand finals will take place in metropolitan areas all over the world at a pre-determined time.

Competitors will clash in a battle royale with real-life treasure hunt elements.

watch peoples

Every player can follow the game live, make bets on and help the player of their choice.

The final contest takes place in the hearts of each of the regions, utilizing its hidden layer for an epic final showdown.

Star sound design

To show Onmi® in every sound we spent hours in the studio with Nina Kraviz.

Earnings and fun in equal time

human hand touch screen

ONM utility token is a main currency in the game with a fixed supply.

ONM tokens can only be mined from captured Orbs, but one can earn tokens from beating Challenges, placing in leaderboards and from participating other activities.

Like in the real world, you need resources to create or develop something. ONMI® has a total of 1 billion materials, unevenly distributed and mined. A simple rule of thumb: The more materials mined from the ground, the lower the chance of finding new ones.
The supply of ONM is regulated by the total population of planet Earth. This is done intentionally and it symbolizes our urge for everyone to get involved with Onmi®.
We chose blockchain technology to ensure the security and transparency of the project, which has its own Token.

Сollaborating only with the best

In the world of blockchain, finding collaborators who are truly honest, reliable, transparent, and full of promise is rare. That's why you won't see a crowd of logos on our website.
polygon labs
Polygon Labs excels in blockchain games through trust, quality, and eco-friendly solutions with innovation.
An award-winning "Best Major Festival" founded in 2000 made a stage with artists in 2023 and is preparing AR navigation with Onmi®.
A luxury fashion Paris-based brand is the first to release digital collection for Onmi®.
Nina Kraviz
DJ and music producer that is inspiring a new generation of artists. Did a sound design & a personal character for Onmi®.

Vision for the future growth


An idea is concieved during the covid lockdown of an app that would allow people to more fully immerse in the outside world, augmented by cutting edge XR technology.


Focus on developing core gameplay mechanics and establishing critical partnerships with Artists, Brands & Festivals.

The main story was discovered to enrich the play experience. Key actions include finalizing foundational documents and developing an intricate game economy, setting the stage for scalable growth.


Launch phase begins with early access and community engagement, followed by the official release on major App Stores.

Introduces ONM token on exchanges and Artist+Brand collection, expanding with PVP games and worldwide The Grand Final tournament, targeting 100,000 MAU by year-end.


Onmi® elevates gaming to Reality 2.0 with the "Onmi® for Сreators" program, allowing custom content contributions. Introducing wearable AR devices and interactive features, it fosters collaboration and immersion.

Engage deeply with Onmi® Spots, expanded AR activities, and compelling storylines, merging real and virtual exploration.

What is Onmi®?
Onmi® is an innovative AR game that allows players to interact with virtual objects and events in the real world.
Where can I play Onmi®?
Onmi® launches in certain limited areas but our coverage will expand worldwide in due time. Follow us on social media for updates.
Can I play for free?
The game is free to play for everyone with the ghost system. To get the full potential out of Onmi®, players are encouraged to acquire an Omi body.
Why AR?
We utilize AR to enhance the mundane environment, creating unique and thrilling experiences.
We call it "philosophy of reality's hidden layer": Art galleries, conceptual changes to otherwise ordinary places and advanced real-life interactions like clothes fitting and AR collaboration.
Why Fashion?
Onmi® is the first game to incorporate the art of digital fashion, letting players express themselves in novel, creative ways. Every article of clothing in the game has an in-game value backed by gameplay use cases.
Can I earn in this game?

Of course. But It depends on many factors, like:

  • Your endurance
  • Being ahead of the curve
  • Your social skills
  • Clever resource management
  • A tiny bit of luck

We also offer special programs for talented people to profit off their art in ONMI®.

How does Onmi® collaborate with offline brands?
Partner brands can create unique digital goods and experiences for Onmi® playerbase.
AR technology allows for expanded interaction with partners' works.
How does Onmi's® economy work?
Onmi® economy is based on tokens and resources that could only be mined by interacting with ORBs. These resources are then placed in circulation and used to create goods to fuel the internal economy.
Tokens are also circulating in Challenges and mini-games. A certain amount is stored and used for player rewards.
What is "The Grand Final"?
The Grand Final is an international competition between worthy Onmi® players.
Players all around the world can bet and watch live as the contestants overcome several rounds of challenges. We do not disclose the mechanics beforehand as to keep everyone on equal footing when the games commence.
The winner will be generously rewarded and will forever be remembered in Onmi's® hall of fame.
Is Onmi® a game or a service?
It's both. Game elements are incorporated in game design mechanics, intriguing quests, standoffs and whole storylines.
The "Service" part is collaborating with brands, artists, clubs and events to provide a system of offline benefits for Onmi® players.
How do I get clothes?
Players can craft various articles of clothing and sell them on the market. You can view all available collections and listings on the market.
Onmi® doesn't sell in-game clothes with the exception of the starter collection.
What are the differences between Omi bodies?
There is a difference in stats, upgrade potential and which rarity of clothes they can wear. Higher class bodies will generate more loot for the player and will be much more versatile in the long run.
Why blockchain and crypto?
Blockchain technology is used for additional security, and transparency for the user's assets and their transactions. It is also used to support the game economy and its players.
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